Fast History - Father's Day and Gift Giving

Catching Up with Dad – A Brief History of Father’s Day
Did you know that Father’s Day in the United States was not an officially sanctioned celebratory day until 1972?
Read on for more interesting Father’s Day facts and discover Sugarbush Gift Baskets Father’s Day selections.
- Sonora Smart Dodd, whose mother died in childbirth, suggested the holiday in 1909 as a means of crediting her Civil War veteran father who raised her and her siblings alone.
- The first Father’s Day was celebrated in June of 1910 on the month of Ms. Dodd’s father’s birth. That is why Father’s Day is in June. The day was celebrated only in Washington.
- President Calvin Coolidge gave Father’s Day national recognition in 1924
- In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson issued a Presidential Proclamation celebrating Father’s Day
- Finally, in 1972, Father’s Day received national holiday designation by President Nixon.
- Father’s Day received its recognition 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson created Mother’s Day
- In some areas, there is a custom of wearing a red rose to
indicate one’s father is living and a white rose
if a father is deceased - Originally a religious holiday, some following Catholicism will observe the traditional Feast of St. Joseph in March to celebrate fathers.
Interesting facts about Father’s Day gifts (United States)
- 55% intend on celebrating in some fashion
- 53% will be celebrating with their own father
- 37% are celebrating with their partner
- 29% will celebrate with their kids
Of those celebrating the day
- 52% plan to give a gift
- 40% plan to give a special meal
- 40% plan to send a card
- 27% will voice or video call
- 20% will go out to eat
Even for the dad who is difficult to shop for, it is
probably still important to acknowledge your dad on this day.
One in five (19%) dads say they have previously been disappointed by their family not doing enough for Father’s Day.
What do you get a dad for Father’s Day, especially if you cannot be there?Sugarbush Gourmet Gift Baskets offers several baskets specifically for every child’s dad, from grilling baskets to couch time baskets.Find them all at
Express your thoughtfulness, maintain family harmony, and show your dad you care.Send a gift basket for Father’s Day today!